Online Therapy

Therapy wherever you are in the state of Massachusetts…

Is it convenient? You bet it is!

No commuting…

Save on gas and the wear and tear on your car. Don’t hassle with sitting in traffic. Skip the part where you have to find a parking space!

No running into someone you know in the waiting area…

Yeah, that happens. Our communities can be so intertwined!

No struggling to “fit it in” while you’re on the run…

Online therapy is SO flexible! You can squeeze in a session between classes or meetings – even during your lunch break!

No giving up the comforts of home…

That’s right: You can do therapy while cuddling your adorable dog or cat. (Yes, I totally wanna know their name and how old they are.) There’s also something about being in your own space that can make this healing journey better than any space I could provide physically. Sure, I could curate a space I THINK you might like, but now you get full control. Whether it’s lounging in your living room, sitting on the bed, or lying on a comfy carpet – you do you.

No more settling for a therapist just because that’s who’s close by…

Online therapy increased accessibility nationwide. Now, you can see someone who’s three hours away. All you have to do is log on, and you’re right there! (Yay for more options for those of us with marginalized identities and/or other specialized needs.)

And it can be just as effective as therapy in person.

In fact, many people prefer it.

Think about it. In the past, you’ve sat in someone’s office – not knowing what to expect. But in your space, it can be a little easier to relax. There’s safety in the comfort of home or wherever you choose to meet that’s familiar to you.

Though I can see your face, one difference is I don’t have a visual of what your body may be doing – like if you’re fidgeting or tapping your foot. While in-person, this is easy to pick up on. Online, I tune in to other things happening in the virtual space to pick up on possible feelings or other things you may not be aware of.

Besides that, all of my recent training in the latest treatment modalities has been online. That means I have learned, practiced, and been a client for modalities like Brainspotting, IFS, and EMDR, virtually. And I KNOW it’s been really effective. Those of us trained in these modalities in the year 2020 or later have seen our clients achieve amazing results whether virtually or in person.

Making the most of your online therapy sessions…

First, it’s important to have a strong connection with the best quality Internet available. This might mean using an Ethernet cord that connects directly to the modem… or just sitting as close to the signal source as possible. If you’re using a phone or iPad, it can be helpful to turn your Wi-Fi on or off. Try it both ways and see what works best.

There can sometimes be technical issues, so be prepared to switch gears quickly if needed. This might mean logging out and then back in, or we may hop on the phone while keeping the video. These instances are rare, but it’s good to be prepared.

It’s also important to curate a space conducive to healing.

So, make sure you’re free from distractions as much as possible. That means phone and computer notifications are silenced (that includes “vibrate” is off), and being in a private space where it’s just you (and maybe a pet).

Set up your therapy space in a way that feels comfortable. This isn’t a work meeting or classroom, so there’s no need to sit at a desk if you don’t want to. You might set yourself up next to a sunny window, or maybe you prefer a cozy lamp and lots of pillows. It’s totally up to you: Whatever will help you be most present in the space is best.

Definitely have a box of tissues handy, water, and something comforting to glance at when things get tough. A pleasant environment can help you stay grounded when we get to the deep stuff.

Bonus: See if you can create a space that includes a few items that cater to any of the five senses. Here are some of my favorites:

Lotion (for touch and smell… AND dry hands!),

A pleasant picture to look at,

A small fan (for both touch and sound),

Some sort of small candy, mint, gum, or

Paper and writing/coloring utensils.

Once it’s time for your session…

You’ll use the link sent to you 48 hours in advance to log in. Some people find it helpful to log on a few minutes before their appointment just to get settled.

You may decide to hide your self-view if seeing yourself on screen might be a distraction. I will meet you in the virtual session room at the time of the appointment, and we’ll begin from there.

You can always expect me to ask how you’re doing and always be excited to see you.

During our sessions, I’ll embrace you in all of your “you-ness” – whether you’re made up and ready to go or wearing a bonnet or scarf and PJs!

Your physical appearance will never impact how I see you or our work together.

Ready to embrace therapy from the comfort of your own space?

Use the button below to book a free 15-minute consultation and see if we’re a good fit for working together.